The Shell Seeker

He has a soul filled with kindness, and a boyish enthusiasm that is infectious.  He finds such joy in the simplest things, and smiles and whistles everyday.   His eyes, the color of the sea, twinkle with mischief, but also have the ability to assess the ill and make life saving decisions.  He has taught me a new kind of love for the sea, things under the water are even more astounding.  He sings to his doggies, but also possesses the most perfect memory I have ever encountered.   He holds my heart in the palm of his hand and has never once bruised or neglected it.

 This is the how you will find him mostly, when he has found some shore that has any promise of producing treasures from the sea.  I often wonder at what age will he find that position difficult to obtain.
I have had the joy and pleasure of so many walks on so many shores with this most accomplished Shell Seeker.  We stroll, talking or not, usually planning new adventures together.  He will stop, stoop and pick up a potential life changing shell.  The assessment will begin.....Is it whole ? Occupied (which really should come first), then the ultimate compliment is paid, without a word his hand is offered and my assessment is requested.

This is our routine now, strolling, searching, sifting.  Each day the shore has different surprises, the potential for joy and the proof that each day is a new start is, I suppose, the big attraction.  We both stroll, stop, and stoop, and seek from one another the exclamation of surprise at each new find. The anticipation of the others smile is almost as pleasant as the actual smile itself.  Together we decide if the treasure carries enough merit to become a member of the Shell Seekers collection.


  1. Awwweee Thanks Kim
    Is it possible to be so deeply in love with this man after 10 years together ? It just keeps getting better.


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